Local prominent figures

An historian, a baron, a priest, a tenor and a cyclist ...

Such an ancient territory naturally produces many prominent figures some of which pushed their fame beyond local borders while others quietly and deeply rooted their lives in Montespertoli.

Sidney Sonnino: journalist, mayor, deputy and minister in the second half of the XIX century, he paid great attention to the Southern Question and dealt with the problems of the peasant class; Amedeo Bassi: an opera tenor to whom a museum in Piazza Machiavelli is dedicated; Don Lorenzo Milani: priest, writer, teacher, Catholic educator and charismatic intellectual figure; Domenico Pugliani: painter and mayor of Montespertoli in 1646; Francesco Guicciardini: writer, historian and politician, almost a monument to the XVI century Italian intellectual class and in particular to the Tuscan-Florentine school of philosophical historians; Cino Cinelli: professional cyclist between 1937 and 1944 who won 3 stages of Giro d’Italia, Giro di Lombardia and the Milan-Sanremo.


Amedeo Bassi

Born in Montespertoli in 1872, he studied singing in Florence and became an influential opera tenor with a solid voice, high note range and incisive phrasing. He took part in numerous opera productions.

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Baron Sidney Sonnino

Baron Sidney Sonnino is considered one of the leading figures in Italian history at the turn of 1800 and early 1900. He would dwell in the castle for long periods of time.

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Cino Cinelli

Cino Cinelli, the seventh of ten children, was born on 9 February 1916 in a country house in Montespertoli. Cino and his two older brothers Arrigo and Giotto usually cycle several kilometers every day to go to school and their competitive nature transforms what should have been a routine shift into a daily cycling race.

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Don Lorenzo Milani

Don Lorenzo Milani (Florence 1923-1967) is closely linked to the history of the Italian school system but also to the Municipality of Montespertoli. In fact, he spent much of his life, before and after his conversion, in the territory of this Chianti town.

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Ferdinando Guicciardini

Ferdinando Guicciardini played a role of great importance for the entire community of Montespertoli, covering the role of Councilor and Assessor for many years (1873-1906)

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