Amedeo Bassi Museum

Words that take heed

When opera singers were rock stars

The museum Amedeo Bassi (Montespertoli, 1872–1949), which also hosts the Tourist Office, is nothing but the latest recognition that the town of Montespertoli has given to its fellow citizen. The Philharmonic, the Music School and the Festival held every year at the beginning of August are named after him. Since the museum displays many keepsakes and mementos of the great tenor, it looks more like a home-museum.

The exhibition develops along three rooms and traces the life and the radiant success of what was a real Divo of the early twentieth century and, with the help of photographs, period pieces and films, takes the visitor not only to rediscover Amedeo Bassi’s artistic personality, but mostly to rediscover the great Italian opera tradition.


Amedeo Bassi's voice
Amedeo Bassi Museum
Piazza Niccolò Machiavelli, 13
50025 Montespertoli (FI)
+39 0571 600255
Opening times

Summer Hours
(from April 1 to October 31)
Monday: 10AM/1PM
Tuesday: 10AM/1PM
Wednesday: 10AM/1PM & 4PM/7PM
Thursday: 10AM/1PM
Friday: 10AM/1PM & 4PM/7PM
Saturday: 10AM/1PM & 4PM/7PM
Sunday: 10AM/1PM & 4PM/7PM

Winter Hours
from Tuesday to Thursday: 10AM/12PM
Friday, Saturday, Sunday and holidays: 10AM /12PM & 3PM/6PM

In the heart of Tuscany

Introduction to the Amedeo Bassi Museum

The Amedeo Bassi Museum of Montespertoli too supports the virtual initiative “Piccoli Musei Narranti” (Talking Small Museums) promoted by the National Small Museums Association that asks the facilities spread throughout Italy to make their voices heard, to share stories, poems, books’ excerpts, newspaper articles describing the museums, their communities of reference and their territories. An opportunity to strengthen the link between museums and odience during the closure enforced by the pandemic.

Virtual tour in the rooms of the Amedeo Bassi Museum

Virtual tour in the rooms of the Amedeo Bassi Museum

Amedeo Bassi and great composers - part 1

Amedeo Bassi and great composers – Talking Small Museums

Amedeo Bassi and great composers - part 2

Amedeo Bassi and great composers – Talking Small Museums

The successes of Amedeo Bassi - Talking Small Museums

The successes of Amedeo Bassi – Talking Small Museums
