Montespertoli has a long history linked to bread production. Just by taking a stroll in the residential areas of Florence it will be evident how much this product is widespread and appreciated by the inhabitants of the Tuscan capital. This notoriety seems to date back to the Second World War, when the bread sold in Florence was mostly baked in the ovens of Montespertoli.
Ancient grains and bread
The ancient grains supply chain in Montespertoli
Some background history
Recent history and the birth of the Montespertoli Ancient Grains Association
In the last years bread production has faced an important turning point thanks to the birth both of the brand Bread of Montespertoli, identified by an M imprinted on each loaf, and of Montespertoli’s ancient grains bread, for which an actual supply chain has been created. The Association of Ancient Grains of Montespertoli has been set: it consists of wheat producers, one mill and some bakeries, its action are based on the principles of environmental sustainability, fair trade and land conservation.
Procedural guidelines and the characteristics of our bread
Bread of Montespertoli’s procedural guidelines requires that only local flours and natural leavening are used; as for the bread of ancient grains, the use of mother yeast and of ancient grains flour is required. The first has the look of a classic Tuscan bread, the latter has a specific amber colour, given by flavonoids present in the ancient grains flour, and a specific consistency given by the mother yeast that makes the crumb very thin, compact and moist. Ancient grains have very little gluten which makes them way more digestible than conventional grains.
Events about ancient grains
Historical re-enactment of wheat threshing
The main event for the enhancement of the ancient grains of Montespertoli is the re-enactment of the Battitura (wheat threshing). During the event an actual demonstration of Battitura will be carried out, local farmers will present their products and tastings of foods prapred with ancient grains flour will be provided.
Awake in the farmyards of Montespertoli
Many of the farms taking part to the event produce ancient grains. Each farm has a stand where it is possible to taste the Bread of Montespertoli, the ancient grains bread, local pasta and many other foods prepared with the flour of Montespertoli.
The Chianti Exhibition
Products cooked and prepared with our ancient grains will be available at the Chianti Exhibition as the main food presented at the stands and on tastings. The aim is facilitating the synergy between the supply chains of local products of excellence that characterize local production and make Montespertoli a unique place for the variety and quality of its products.