“La Romanina,” a fascinating play that brings the life of Romina Cecconi to the stage, lands in Montespertoli. The performance, masterfully directed by Giovanni Guerrieri, will take place on Dec. 10, 2023, at 5 p.m. at Topical Hall, Largo Gino Mazzoni, Montespertoli.
“La Romanina” is a moving and powerful tribute to Romina Cecconi, a figure who left an indelible mark on Italian history. Romina was one of the first in Italy to embark on the path of gender change, and her story becomes a mirror of the social transformations of the time, of which she was a resounding protagonist.
The show, created and performed by Anna Meacci and Luca Scarlini, offers an intimate look at Romina’s life, exploring the courage and determination that guided her through a crucial period of social change.
After the performance, there will be a discussion that will allow the audience to learn more about aspects of Romina Cecconi’s story and reflect on issues related to gender change and social acceptance.
The event is organized by the City of Montespertoli in collaboration with ArciGay Florence in the “READY” project. Admission is free, but you are advised to reserve your spot by contacting the Tourist Office at 0571600255.
“The Romanina represents an opportunity for the Montespertoli community and provides a chance to come together in a time of reflection, inclusion and appreciation for the stories of courage and diversity that have helped shape the social fabric of Italy.” declares Daniela Di Lorenzo, alderman for social policies in the municipality of Montespertoli.