Saturday, Jan. 27, at the Circolo Arci “I Poggio” in Ortimino an entire afternoon of festivities, with workshops for children and teens by Teatro C’Art, snacks and a large market.
It is a real solidarity contest that the Ortimino Circle is organizing for Saturday, January 27, 2024 from 3 p.m. onwards to support the C’Art Theater and its ambitious Abbracciarte project.
There will be workshops for children and young people by the artists of Teatro C’Art, a large market and snack opportunities for young and old organized by the Pizzeria of Circolo Arci “I Poggio ” in Ortimino.
Admission is free, and all proceeds raised through the market and liberal offerings will be donated entirely to support Teatro C’art and the Abbracciarte project.
The Abbracciarte project has
the goal of creating an even larger arts and cultural hub and transforming the new space recently acquired by C’art next to the existing theater into a center dedicated to continuing artistic education, with the intention of fostering youth employment in the arts and culture sector.
After the winning the Active Spaces call from the Fondazione CR Firenze, thanks to which the renovation and redevelopment work began, now Abbracciarte è competing for the Crowdfunding for Culture Prize, sponsored by the Rete del Dono platform to support Third Sector projects that use art and culture as activators of social innovation and place regeneration.
The Circolo Arci “I’ Poggio” in Ortimino wanted to respond to the appeal for support launched by Teatro C’art.
The Abbracciarte project is proving to have strong social relevance. Thanks to the many supporters, it is currently in 2nd place among the projects that managed to raise the most funds in the “Crowfunding Prize for Culture” contest sponsored by Rete del Dono, but it still needs everyone’s support to try to win this important award.
A reminder that the contest expires on January 31, so if you feel like helping us out, we look forward to seeing you at Ortimino on January 27 or make a donation before that date at the link