MoMu – Montespertoli Music

MoMu - Montespertoli MusicMoMu is a itinerant cultural review.When From 18 July to 29 August 2024 Typology Shows, entertainment Main activities + Concerts + theater + Entertainment Learn more Good … Continued

Amedeo Bassi Festival

The Amedeo Bassi Festival, dedicated to the famous Montespertoli tenor who sang in the most important theaters around the world at the beginning of the twentieth century, represents an important opportunity to promote classical music.

Landscape Museum ‘Via di Castiglioni’

This is a guided itinerary in the landscape of the lower Val di Pesa, which winds for two kilometers along the ridge road between Castiglioni and Montegufoni – from the chapel of the villa to the small column that commemorates the partisan who fell during the Second World War.

Awake on the farmyards

Awake on the farmyards - A veglia sulle aieA summer of events in the farms of MontespertoliDiscover the territory and the people who make it unique in the worldWhen from … Continued